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Nutrition Facts Of Power Leaf Moringa

Moringa Leaf Power

Overall Kenya Tea Gardens is a term often used to refer to the tea plantations and estates located in Kenya, a country in East Africa. Kenya is renowned for producing high-quality tea that is sought after worldwide.

Tea cultivation in Kenya has a long history and dates back to the early 20th century when British colonizers introduced tea plants to the country. Today, tea is one of Kenya's major agricultural exports and plays a significant role in the country's economy.

Kenya's unique geographical and climatic conditions, such as high altitudes, ample rainfall, and rich volcanic soils, create an ideal environment for tea cultivation. The tea gardens are typically located in the highland regions, including areas like Kericho, Nandi, Bomet, and Kiambu. These regions offer optimal conditions for growing tea bushes that produce flavorful leaves.

Kenyan Tea Gardens

Kenyan Tea gardens are known for cultivating mainly two types of tea: black tea and green tea. Black tea is the most common type produced and is renowned for its bold and robust flavor. Green tea, although less widely grown, has gained popularity in recent years due to its health benefits and milder taste.

Tea estates in Kenya are often characterized by vast expanses of tea plantations, neatly trimmed rows of tea bushes, and dedicated tea workers meticulously plucking the young leaves by hand. The leaves are then processed through various stages, including withering, rolling, fermentation, and drying, to produce the final tea product.

The tea produced in Kenya undergoes strict quality control measures to ensure that it meets international standards. The Tea Board of Kenya oversees the industry, regulating the cultivation, processing, and export of Kenyan tea.

Tea gardens of Kenya not only contribute to the country's economy but also provide employment opportunities for thousands of workers in the tea industry. The tea estates often serve as tourist attractions, offering visitors a chance to witness the tea production process, enjoy scenic views of the lush green tea fields, and even participate in tea tasting sessions.

Meet Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera Blended with European Herbs.

Native to the Himalayan Mountains. Organic Moringa is nature’s Miracle tree blended with European herbs. Its provide with 90 plus vital proteins, vitamins, natural nutrients, minerals, soluble fiber, antioxidants, amino acids and other benefits.

All Natural {Organic}

Switch to Organic Living!

Moringa Superblends are:


    Hot Air Dried

    to ensure nutrients remain intact



    carefully organic harvested by state of the art technology



    without checmicals. safe and sustainable farming methods



    natural slimming benefits

  • PROVIDES mental clarity & focus
  • DELIVER  anti-inflammatory support and tonnes of abdominal muscles

    body’s immune system


    maintain normal blodd sugar levels


    healthy digestion and natural anti-aging benefits


    energy levels


    maintains healthy. active and vigorous life.

Moringa Leaves Contain

   25x more iron than spinch
   17x more calcium than milk
   15x more potassium than bananas
   7x more vitamin B1 and B2 than yeast
   7x more vitamin C than oranges
   6x more folic acid than lettuce
   4.5x more folic acid than beef liver
   4.5x more vitamin E than wheatgerm
   4x more vitamin A than carrots
   2.5 more carotene than carrots
   2x more mangnesium than browntop millet
   2x more fiber than whole wheat
   2x more high quality protein than soya
   1.5x more essential amino acids than eggs

power leaf by moringa
power leaf by moringa



Moringa Blends Serving Size / 1.25g (1 tea bag)


Energy (Kcal, MJ)64 kcal, 0.27 MJ
Protein (g)9.4
Carbohydrates (g)8.3
Cholesterol (mg)0
Fiber, total dietary (g)2
Fatty Acid-total transce (g)0
Ca (mg)185
P (mg)112
Na (mg)9
K (mg)337
Mg (mg)147
Fe (mg)4
Zn (mg)0.6
Cu (mg)0.105
Thiamin (mg)0.26
Riboflavin (mg)0.66
Niacin (mg)2.22
Vitamin B-6 (mg)1.2
Folate (µg)40
Vitamin A (µg RAE)378
Vitamin C (mg)52
Vitamin E (mg)na
Threonine (g)0.411
Leucine (g)0.791
Lysine (g)0.537
Phenylalanine (g)0.487
Valine (g)0.611
Arginine (g)0.532
Alanine (g)0.705
Glycine (g)0.517
Proline (g)0.451
Serine (g)0.414


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